


shadow Tirrenia

Tirrenia arises at the centre of theTuscan coast, extending itself on a coastal stretch about 10km long. It is completely immersed i n nature and located at a short distance from the two important cities of Pisa and Livorno. It is therefore based in an extremely fertile territory which has acquired over the course of centuries the characteristics of both cities, so close yet with very distinct traditions.
Four elements optimises its position
1) a sea where it is possible to practise any king of aquatic sport
2) the green mediterranena pinewood, ideal for relaxing walks, bike or horse rides;
3) a navigable river, where recreational boats find a place and assistance all year long;
4) The simplicity with which it is possible to reach the coast, through the close Pisa airport, the port of Livorno and the various motorway exits/ entrances.

The typically Mediterranean climate makes each season pleasant and appropriate,allowing for colourful days in spring, hot and luminous ones in summer, and relaxing ones in autumn. Tirrenia, particularly busy during the summer period, offers the possibility to spend entire days on the well equipped beaches. There are many sports activities: beach-volley, sailing, skin diving fishing, tennis, football, golf, horse riding, that can all be practised in the numerous sports facilities immersed in the green surroundings.
It is possible to chose from various daily tours: a visit to "Bocca d'Arno", with its retoni (large fishing scales) facing the curve of the San Rossore and with at there back the scenery of the Apuan Alps; the Natural Reserve of San Rossore, with the horse stables located near the hippodrome; the close Tuscan archipelago and the immense historical and cultural patrimony of the neighbouring cities of arts such as Pisa,Lucca,Volterra Florence, Sienaas well as multiple smaller centres, with real masterpieces to discover a bit everywhere. Tirrenia is an ideal destination for a peaceful, comfortable stay rich in entertainment possibilities.


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Grand Hotel Golf



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